Upload Files


Last Update a month ago

Uploading files to Vismo is quick and simple. Follow these steps to upload a single file or multiple files at once:

Step 1: Go to your project

Start by navigating to the project you want to add files to.

Step 2: Click "Upload"

In the "Project Files" section, you’ll see an Upload File(s) button. Click on it to open the upload window.

Step 3: Select your files

Choose the files from your computer that you want to upload. You can either select a single file or multiple files at once.

Step 4: Upload your files

Once you've selected your files, click Open to start the upload process. Vismo will notify you when the upload is complete.

Drag & Drop File/Folder Upload

For even faster uploading, try the drag-and-drop method!

Step 1: Go to your project as usual.

Step 2: Drag & Drop

Instead of clicking the Upload File(s) button, simply drag files—or entire folders if you’re using a modern browser that supports folder uploads, like Chrome or Edge—from your desktop or file explorer straight into the Project Files section.

With drag-and-drop functionality, adding files to your project is now as easy as launching into uncharted territory—just pull and release!

What is the Max Upload File Size?

we understand that geospatial data can be vast and complex, so we’ve set the maximum file upload size to a generous 100GB.

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